SAY Collective statement against Bill 2


The South Asian Youth collective denounces Quebec’s proposed Bill 2 and any efforts by the goverment to infringe on the rights of trans, intersex and nonbinary people. The bill, which reintroduces genetalia-based sex markers and the segregation of intersex and trans people by introducing separate sex and gender markers, is violent and will only servce to further marginalize and other the trans, intersex and nonbinary population.

We stand with our trans, intersex and nonbinary community members in the fight for human rights, dignity, self-determination, protection against violence, and community care.

How to help:

  • Sign the official petition (deadline: November 18)
  • Write to your political representatives! script in French on the Conseil Quebecois LGBT website :
  • Show up to protests, events and advocacy initiatives
  • Educate yourself on trans/intersex/nonbinary experiences and issues
  • We are here to answer any questions you have about these issues. Give us a call or send us an email: