Become a Member

Support your community by becoming a member of the South Asian Women’s Community Centre!

There are three categories of membership:

Full members
Any woman aged 18 years or over, resident in Montreal, but specially of South Asian origin, who agrees with the objectives stated in the letters patent and adheres to the by-laws, and whose application has been approved by the Executive Council, may become a full member, and shall have the right to vote three months after becoming a member, and she may stand for office after at least one year of becoming a member. Any non resident full member is not eligible to stand for office, but will be eligible to vote in person

Affiliate members
Any Individual who does not meet the above criteria, and whose application has been approved by the Executive Council, may become an affiliate member. Affiliate members shall not have the right to vote, nor shall they have the right to stand for office.

Honourary members
Any woman rendering outstanding service to the organization can be nominated by ten voting members of the organization who shall send the nomination to the executive council at least sixty days before the annual general meeting. The executive shall circulate the nomination to the membership with the notice of the Annual general meeting. Honourary membership shall be given by two-thirds majority vote at a properly convened annual general meeting of the members. Honourary members shall have the right to vote and the right to stand for office.

Membership fee: minimum $1, renewable each year.

Do you want to become a member? Send your completed membership form to