Message from L’R des centres de femmes du Quebec on Bill 96

“L’R is worried about the implications of Bill 96, presented by the media and Quebec politicians as a reform of Bill 101. Although it is very important for all women’s centers in Quebec to promote the French language, we wonder about several effects that this law will have, if it is adopted, on the rights of women and particularly on the rights of English-speaking, allophone, immigrant and non-French-speaking and native refugee women.
The adoption of Bill 96 could directly affect our methods of intervention with many women who attend our centers, which concerns us deeply. When possible, we welcome women in their native language to help build trust, which because of this bill could expose centers and workers to fines.
Beyond the daily work in the centers, we are shocked by the fact that several articles directly touch the accessibility to health services, social services and education for populations who are already highly marginalized and who already encounter difficulties. access to these services. Something has to be done!
Let us remember that the promotion of French must go through hospitality, kindness and patience. It is in this context that people will be open to speaking and loving this language. It is also important to raise our collective awareness, French-speaking Quebecers, so that this enhancement does not go through exclusion and repression. The promotion of French in Quebec is an opportunity to create solidarity with other minorities in order to work together to better recognize all the minorized and threatened languages, such as the indigenous languages ​​of our territories.
We invite you to learn more about this bill, to talk about it and to take action! Here are some ways to show your solidarity. “