Dear Members, friends and Service Users of the South Asian Women’s Community Centre,

We wish to inform you that our Centre will be closed for renovations, the months of March and April 2024. As many of you are aware, the office space for the Centre is provided to us by the Ville de Montreal.  There is some external and internal work that will be done to maintain the building and bring it up to code.

We wish to assure you that our day to day work will not be impacted by this change. All the workers of the Centre have been equipped to work from home and offer all our regular services remotely. Each staff member will be reachable by phone during their work hours and they will continue to give and take care of individual appointments. Please find below their coordinates to be able to reach them by phone and email.

For our Tuesday information sessions and group activities, we are publishing a list of all activities that are planned for the coming two months (below) and we ask our regular participants and those who are interested to participate, to contact the community worker that speaks their language of choice. The community worker will then organize the session for a group of participants who speak the same language. This will ensure that we continue to offer our activities as efficiently as possible.

We are hoping to be back after this transition as soon as possible. We will make sure to keep you updated with news about renovations as it develops by email and on our website.


ANIPRIYA GOPINATHAN514-919-2007TAMILanipriya.g@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:30- 3:30
GHAZALA MUNAWAR438-880-9712URDU, HINDI, PUNJABIsawcc@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:00-5:00
IRAM QADEER438-882-7179SAWAI worker- URDU, HINDI, PUNJABIIram.accounts@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:00-3:00
JUVARIA YASSER438-483-3194URDU, HINDI, PUNJABIJuvaria.y@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:00-5:00
PANCHI CHAKMA438-927-4270SAWAI worker- BANGLA, CHAKMAPanchi.c@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:00-3:00
MANGAIE SARAVANABAVAN514-978-4459SAWAI worker-TAMILMangai.S@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:00-3:00
SHIPRA BARUA514-659-2280BANGLAShipra.b@sawcc-ccfsa.ca9:00-5:00
AMBIKA SIVAMOORTHY438-722-0529 ambikai.s@sawcc-ccfsa.caDoes not work on Wednesdays- 9:00 – 3:00


  • Info session: Learning the history and importance of the International women’s day- week of 4- 8 March 2024
  • Participation in Women’s Day March with other community groups- details to come- 8th March 2024
  • Information session: The household budget with a savings plan
  • Exchange: Parenting teenagers
  • Information session: Learning about the services offered by the CRA
  • Self-care activities
  • Information session: Bulk cooking
  • Information: DIY household cleaners and tips on cleaning
  • Information session: how to balance work and private life after immigration

We will not be able to have our regular potlucks but please contact Juvaria at Juvaria.y@sawcc-ccfsa.ca if you are interested in participating in an outing within the city- We will gather at a Metro station and will take public transport to go around the city.

Please note down the following numbers for emergencies

Fire, Police and Ambulance
Tel: 911

Montreal Police
Tel: 514 280 2222

Suicide Action Montreal
Tel: 514 723 4000

Sexual Assault Centre for Victims

Tel: 514 934 4504

Helpline for Parents

Tel: 514 288 5555

Youth protection

Tel: 514 935 6196

Domestic violence

Tel: 514 873 9010

SOS Violence conjugale

Tel: 514-728-0023 or 1800-363-9010 or by email info@sosviolenceconjugale.ca